Security news twitter bot

NOTICE: This bot is now depricated.

Project Aims:

  • Become a go to source of vulnerability updates on Twitter
  • Tweet out concise information from CVE databases
  • Have multiple different tweet formats for different vulnerabilities


Gathers CVE updates from JSON feeds such as

Tweets one of the top 3 CVEs, with and 8+ CVSS score

Tweets one of 4 attack types: SQLi, Privilege Escalation, DDoS & RCE



Python code executed as a GCP Cloud Function

Triggered by GCP Cloud Scheduler via Pub/Sub trigger

Grabs twitter credentials from GCP Secrets Manager


Details the most recently update 8+ CVSS vulnerability

1 of 4 categories depending on month of the year

Link to vulnerability database entry that was used

Uses puns and emojis for fun
