Jack Edwards

Security | Engineering


I'm a technology enthusiast at heart, I enjoy a multitude of different hobbies within software, security, electrical engineering and music.

My experience with cyber security started with my 4 year degree which taught me fundamentals like securing software, penetration testing, incident response and risk assessment.

I have benefitted from working in the aerospace engineering and media industries, learning a great deal about how private industry grapples with cyber security threats.


  • All
  • Security
  • RC


Security news twitter bot

SSH 2FA Plugins

Python scripted 2FA for SSH

Security Toolbox

Miscellaneous tools

Distributed Login

Secure credential distribution

5" Quadcopter

Full-size FPV quadcopter

3" Quadcopter

Sub 250g drone


Tinywhoop-style FPV quad


1/16th Scale, TBS Crossfire